TC-5 Metrology Support for SMEs
Terms of Reference Dealing with Metrology support for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the SADC member countries, in order to assess and improve the measurement systems. This committee is aimed to develop and implement a working program for improvement of measurement practices in SMEs.
Framework As per the revised SADCMET Codes of Procedure for SADCMET Technical Committees and Working Groups
Members All SADCMET members.
Mr Geraldo Albasini
INNOQ- Instituto Nacional de Normalizacao e Qualidade
Av. de Mocambique, Parcela 7168/D1/7 - Bairro do Zimpeto
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 21 344600
Fax: +258 21 344610
Mobile: +258 82 8777250
