Documents and results of comparisons conducted by SADCMET, either under a SADCMET or an AFRIMETS registration number or as a pilot comparison, are listed below. They include the results of members who are not yet signatories of the CIPM MRA. Click to access:
Note 1: If all participants were MRA signatories, the results are only accessible via the "CIPM" submenu and are not repeated here.
Note 2: Results of some pilot comparisons conducted in the framework of the East African Community (EAC) sub-RMO EAMET were included above, because some EAMET Members are also Members or Associate Members of SADCMET.
Note 3: SADCMET was also instrumental in launching a Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme for laboratories testing water quality, both for chemical and microbiological testing. The water laboratories participating included laboratories from both SADC and the East African Community (EAC). The water PT scheme is now being extended to further regions in Africa under AFRIMETS. Results and information on the SADCMET water PT scheme can be found under the menu option "SADC Water Lab".

